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Promote Your Brand to a Vibrant Creative Community

Why Sponsor Gillde?

Gillde is more than just a website; it’s a thriving community of individuals who are deeply passionate about design, creativity, and innovation. By sponsoring Gillde, you gain access to an audience that actively seeks inspiration, resources, and tools to enhance their creative endeavors. Here’s why our sponsorship opportunities are valuable:

1. Targeted Audience

Reach a niche and focused audience consisting of designers, artists, writers, developers, and creative professionals who actively engage with the content on Gillde.

2. Visibility

Benefit from prominent visibility through our carefully curated sponsorship slots that will maximize exposure for your brand.

3. Authenticity

Align your brand with a platform that champions creativity, innovation, and quality design resources, enhancing your brand’s reputation and authenticity.

4. Supporting Creativity

By sponsoring Gillde, you contribute to the growth and sustenance of a community that values creativity and empowers artists and designers.

Sponsorship Plans

We offer a variety of sponsorship plans to suit your marketing objectives. Each plan provides unique benefits and placement options to maximize the impact of your message.

Single Post Sponsorship

Your brand will be featured as the sponsor of a single blog post. This includes a mention at the beginning and end of the post, along with your logo displayed prominently.

Post + Display Ad on the Side of the Blog

Combine the power of sponsored content with a display ad on the sidebar of our blog. This ensures your brand remains visible to our visitors as they explore various articles and resources.

Displays remain for 30 days.

Post + Display Ad on the Side and in the Middle of All Blog Posts

For maximum exposure, have your brand showcased not only on a sponsored blog post but also on the side and in the middle of all our blog posts, ensuring your message reaches our entire audience.

Displays remain for 30 days.