Contra Chrome ↗
This comic pays homage to the changes Google’s Chrome browser has seen over the years.

Common accessibility issues that you can fix today ↗
WebAIM have come out with their latest report on which accessibility issues they found in the top million websites that they tested automatically. What is some low hanging fruit you could fix today?

5 Creative Strategies Straight From The Books Of Famous Artists | by Siddhita Upare | Brutaskapp ↗
According to LinkedIn Learning, “Creativity is the single most important skill in the world.”
When you think about it, the world’s best inventions be it Uber, Amazon, or even the mobile phone you are reading this article on is a result of a creative idea. Not only is this skill required for CEOs or founders, but it’s also an important one for all of us.

Zoom UX Review: 8 Ways To Make The App Better ( ↗
Zoom has seen overwhelming adoption as the COVID pandemic struck. Somehow, over the course of the lockdown, this product has become nearly synonymous with videoconferencing and became the central tool for social events ranging from classes to memorial services. It managed to become an indispensable asset that allowed people around the world to function amid those odd times.

The UI behind Wordle and why it works | by Pepper Square | Geek Culture ↗
In February 2022, Wordle made headlines by helping save the life of 80-year-old Denyse Holt.
Wordle played a crucial role in saving the life of Holt — an avid fan of the 6-letter word game. Wordle delivered more than was promised in ways the world could have never imagined.

Hiring made simple | Polymer ↗
Polymer gives you a beautiful site to display your job openings and a powerful dashboard to manage applicants.

How To Be A Freelance Designer For Beginners in 2022 – YouTube ↗
What Is Design Thinking? An Overview – YouTube ↗
Designers, (Re)define Success First – A List Apart ↗
About two and a half years ago, I introduced the idea of daily ethical design. It was born out of my frustration with the many obstacles to achieving design that’s usable and equitable; protects people’s privacy, agency, and focus; benefits society; and restores nature. I argued that we need to overcome the inconveniences that prevent us from acting ethically and that we need to elevate design ethics to a more practical level by structurally integrating it into our daily work, processes, and tools.
Unfortunately, we’re still very far from this ideal.
At the time, I didn’t know yet how to structurally integrate ethics. Yes, I had found some tools that had worked for me in previous projects, such as using checklists, assumption tracking, and “dark reality” sessions, but I didn’t manage to apply those in every project. I was still struggling for time and support, and at best I had only partially achieved a higher (moral) quality of design—which is far from my definition of structurally integrated.

Getting Started with Typeface Design — Jonathan Hoefler ↗
In the years I’ve served type designers as their editor, I’ve noticed just how many of the challenges confronted by first-time designers are identical to the guiding principles that professional designers work vigilantly to observe. Here are some good habits to develop.

140 Best Free Fonts for 2021 – Gillde ↗
A great collection for 2021, 140 great free fonts for you. Fonts are used to add an appeal to your design and to your brand in order to attract potential customers. For our ease, there are numerous fonts available to download for free on the internet. The ideal font will make reading easy when used for a paragraph, even when it is read from a certain distance. The words, characters, and the overall text must deliver the message that it wants to deliver. Furthermore, the right texture and color also plays a vital part when using a font.

UX/UI Design for PayGO – Make the bills payment easier – Gillde
Kamron Dalimov shared a UI/UX app design and branding project for PayGO, a product aimed at making it easier for people to pay their bills from a centralized place. You can pay all your utility bills from the app.